Enjoyed my cuppa in Munnar

After a writer's block which kept me from blogging for almost a year, it was God's own country, very own country that got me out of it. 2nd Feb, 2010, I opened my eyes, it was 6.00 am in the morning, beside me was my lil one, fast asleep. We were under some thick comfortable blankets and inspite of that the chill wouldn't let me go back to sleep. Had dawned a sweater (with a hood), yet I couldn't get back to bed. I went across the room to the misty windows, a peek out and the moonli ght shown in abundance, day break was fast approaching. I wrapped a shawl around myself and walked out onto the green lawns. The coz y bungalow overlooked the valley, t he Chokkanada peak. I drew my hands into the shawl to keep them warm. Below...sunrise at Chokkanadu hills As I sat down on the steps leading out of Parvathy bungalow, I he ard a gentle pitter,-patter,. It was the dew dripping down from the tin roofs. I walked out and onto the grass which was moist and richly la...